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Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 5:00 | Sat: By Appointment 02 6624 5494

Toothache? Is it your Wisdom Teeth?

Experiencing toothache? It could be your wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth, or Third Molars, are the last permanent teeth to erupt (2 on top, 2 on bottom); most commonly between the ages of 17-20 but can continue to erupt until age 30. Some people don’t have them, some people only have some and some may get them all.

Wisdom teeth that do not have enough room to grow properly are known as being “Impacted”. However when an impacted wisdom tooth tries to make its way in, the flap of gum on top can become swollen or infected. You might even feel pain in the nearby teeth or in your ear on that side of you face. Impacted wisdom teeth do not fully erupt into the mouth. As a result they can grow in the wrong direction, coming out sideways, at an angle or only partially.

If you can’t see a dentist straight away, here are some tips that may help in managing your pain:

  1.  Gargle Salt Water
    Salt water helps to remove bacteria from the mouth and can reduce swelling. Add between a quarter to half a teaspoon of salt to warm water and swish near the painful area for at least five seconds before spitting out.
  2. Take a Painkiller
    Over the counter pain relief such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol can ease the pain if it it’s distracting you and you’re finding it difficult to sleep. Painkillers should only be swallowed and not applied directly to the gum as the acid in them can burn. Take care to stick to the recommended does only and read the instructions on the box.
  3. Apply Ice
    Place a cold compress or ice pack against your cheek to help numb the pain. Don’t apply ice directly to your tooth, as toothaches often cause heightened sensitivity to temperature.

These home remedies offer quick relief from toothaches but the effect is only temporary. To eradicate the pain for good, your dentist needs to treat the cause, not the symptom.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding treatment for your wisdom teeth we would love to help you! Call us on (02) 6624 5494 or you can make an appointment via the “Book Now” link on our Facebook page. Alternatively visit our website www.sapphiresmilesdental.com.au