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Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 5:00 | Sat: By Appointment 02 6624 5494
Stubborn Stains

Have you been noticing stains on your teeth? Many of us enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, or even a glass of red wine, but over time these favourable drinks can cause stains and yellowish colouration.

It is true that the enamel on our teeth are the hardest substance in the human body, although they aren’t flat or smooth. Our teeth naturally have microscopic pits and ridges that easily hold the particles of our foods and drinks. The pigments from dark-coloured drinks like coffee, tea and red wine catch in those areas and if not removed properly or soon enough it can result in stains or yellowish colouring on your teeth.

It can be hard to give up your daily coffee/tea and for some it’s consumed multiple times a day. So if quitting is not an option and cutting down is proving difficult, here are a few ideas that may help minimise the effects:

  • If you can brush your teeth after finishing your drink/food excellent!
  • If you can’t brush straight away, simply rinse your mouth well with water.

In addition, visiting your dentist for regular cleans can remove many of the surface stains, giving you a whiter smile, no matter how many cups of coffee you need to make it through the day!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at Sapphire Smiles Dental, so you can keep up to date with all of our latest information!


Stubborn Stains